Chase Scene

Personal Reflection:

The scope of this project was to use what we learn in the unit, and take that and put it in our videos. This time it was a chase scene. We are supposed to make a story involving a chase scene. First, we get a partner and talk about what we should do. My partner and I came up with these two people find a treasure map and race each other to the finish line. Then we would talk to Mr. Allam about our ideas and he'll give us his opinion and then let us go into the storyboard. In the storyboard we put in how the scenes will go from start to finish, and how the shots are going to be taken. And again, we talk with Mr. Allam to approve our storyboard. After that, we take our iPads, actors, and our storyboard to our setting. We recorded everything on the iPad and when we are done, we import the videos into Final Cut Pro.

Along the way, I learned the how to take shots like the 6 shot system and the 180 rule. We take that, put it into our shots, and record. I learned how to do basic editing. How to favorite or delete videos, cutting, etc. Especially the effects part. I love that part because you get to experiment how the effects work and what it would look like with your videos. I learned by simply experimenting or looking it up on the internet. I also learned how to work and talk with each other a little more. But with deadlines.....I need to fix. 

To be honest, this video was bad. Firstly, I would change it FOLLOW the storyboard my partner and I made. Those include more shots, close-ups. We needed more action, like their faces when they do something or their body's actions. Like for the beginning, we should've gotten more angles and close-ups to make it more interesting, especially when they look at the map. There should be a close-up of the map and their faces. Also when they run and at the end when one of them got the candy. We should've got more shots and angles when they got the candy and their faces. Also, it needed more action. It was too boring, the only action was when she threw the trash can at him towards the end, and pushing him while getting a piece of the map down the stairs. And when they were running too when the screen was split, it's just them running. When they ran back into each other, we should've got some fighting in there. So next time we will get shots of them doing that. But I would keep how she picked up the map, splitting the screen, and the ending. Those were the ones that I was happy with.

From these experiences and watching others' videos, I will learn from that and use it to perfect and enhance my next project. Those would include following the storyboard, more action, getting those angles and shots, A LOT ESPECIALLY, and learning how to edit more like the effects. So far I liked this class. I get to take videos and learn how to edit. I think editing is what I prefer the most. It's probably because I'm worse at taking videos, and my editing is alright.


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