ONW Project

Procedures at ONW

For our first project in Video, we were to create a 30 second video on procedures here at ONW. We picked our partners and started thinking. 

AT FIRST I wanted to do a video on what to do and not to do, but I dropped the camera, so I didn't feel like doing that idea anymore. Even though that idea seemed way more fun to do. Anyway we ended up doing a video on positive contributions. Just small stuff like returning your books, helping people out, recycle, and etc. 

To plan our video we did our storyboard. We planned out all the shots and what order we should do them in. I don't like storyboarding, but we have to.

We filmed our video with a $2000 camera. In some shots we weren't using a tripod. When filming I need to make sure that there aren't people or things randomly appearing and disappearing.

When it came to editing, on Adobe Premiere, I noticed that some of our shots were blurry, so I ended up not using that.

I now know that before I press the record button I need to make sure the camera isn't blurry and to fix the lighting. On Adobe Premiere it was very hard and confusing, but I learned how to add captions onto the video, lighting, and adjusting the audio. 

Below is the video:




I would personally like to change this video. First off, I would like to change the whole concept to the hallway idea. Second, film more shots of the same thing and get it in different angles so that I would have more of a variety when editing. And lastly, I would fix the lighting, for example the hallway scene. But, if I were to keep this video, I'm not sure on what I keep the same.

For the next project, I will not drop the camera, get a lot of shots, and make sure the camera is focused and the lighting is just right.


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